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A short of list of tools or prototypes I’ve work on at some point:
- Springlint is a code smell detection tool for Spring Boot/MVC projects. It was featured by the Spring community many years ago and uses Eclipse JDT behind the scenes.
- CK is a simple Java metric calculator written in source code. It uses Eclipse JDT to build the AST, so it doesn’t require compiled code.
- Andy is an automated grader who assesses TU Delft’s software testing students. It makes use of different metrics such as coverage, mutation coverage, and static analysis to come up with a final grade.
- Hyperion is a tool that brings monitoring information (from your ELK stack) to the IDE so the developer can see how often an exception happens in production in their code.
- TestKnight helps people be more productive when writing tests. It helps engineers with MC/DC, contextualized coverage information, assertion suggestions, etc.
- EvoSQL is a search-based prototype that generates thorough tests for given SQL queries.