Blog, Talks, and podcasts
Podcasts and interviews
I love being part of podcasts and interviews. If you are looking for my participation in Brazilian Portuguese podcasts, click here.
Beyond Coding Podcast #191 - What Most Engineers Get Wrong About Testing
#177 - Simple Object-Oriented Design: Principles for Writing Clean & Maintainable Software - Mauricio Aniche in Tech Lead Podcast.
#139 - A Developer’s Guide to Effective Software Testing - Mauricio Aniche in the Tech Lead Podcast.
Discussion with Mauricio Aniche on Object Oriented Design!, in Laurentiu Spilca’s Youtube channel
Effective Software Testing at the SE Unlocked podcast.
Testing anti patterns at the Codurance’s podcast.
Blog posts
I randomly blog about stuff:
07-Sep-2023: Advantages of having a software engineering PhD in industry
03-Feb-2021: What did I learn from flipping my classroom?
21-Jun-2018: Testing vs writing tests
05-Dec-2017: What do we (not) know about Domain-Driven Design?
Can ML help software developers? The adventures of a SE researcher with ML4SE
Testing in production: A Gentle Walk on Software Monitoring Research
If you want me to speak for your company, drop me a message.
Software testing newsletter
Did you know I write a newsletter on software testing? You can see the previous published articles here or subscribe to the newsletter right away!